BCG Matrix Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix) also know as Growth-Share Matrix or Product Portfolio Matrix. The chart was created by Bruce Henderson for Boston Consulting Group in the year 1970. BCG Matrix helps businesses to build Strategic management, product management, brand marketing, and portfolio analysis. With BCG Matrix businesses can decide whether they should invest in the product for the future or not. The Matrix chart is divided into two dimensions and four-cell. The first dimension speaks about Market Growth and the second dimension is about the Market share of products in the market. There are 4 cells in the chart. 1) Cash cow 2) Star 3) Question mark 4) Dogs Cash cow The product has a high market share but less market growth. A cash cow is the market leader and creates more cash for the business. Cash from the cash cow helps the business to fund star and question mark so it can be a cash cow in the future. Let talk about Apple. The Apple iPad has a h...
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